Greg has caused frustration and delight in our household today…….

…. and all done without setting foot in the place….

A week or two ago he mentioned he experienced the beautiful sound of a Range Rover Sport SVR on the motorway recently and how awesome it sounded.

Fast forward a week or so and we can confirm the impending delivery of a beautiful silver SVR on Tuesday next week.

Literally See You Next Tuesday you awesome beast – we are of course sorry to see Reggie leave us, but this is a dream that needed to be realised.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Wishing all a wonderfilled day, whether it be with your loved ones or dreaming of loved ones that you are unable to be with today. 殺❤️

We are enjoying some Sterchi’s wonderful chocolates and relaxing in front of a crackling fire.

The weekend has passed us by quickly (as they all appear to be doing of late) and we managed to get out for a walk before the rain – the rain may be the sign of warmer weather 爛


An arse or an elbow?

Earlier today Simon went out the front to collect an Amazon delivery and as he stepped outside (with no shoes on), he slipped on the wet paving stones and went down like a bag of brown stuff. Landed on his elbow, backside (both on the right side) and right foot.

He collected the parcel and got inside to find the parcel covered in blood….. hmm, that was probably not right….. seems that somehow a small tear in his forearm had occurred.

It is reasonably painful so not looking forwards to trying to sleep comfortably tonight…..