Wow – where did this come from?
He won’t do anything like this for us at home … 🙁
Tonight we have been graced with Elliot’s Summer Term (and overall year 1) School Report and……
….. as expected he is in GREAT shape and is receiving B grades across the board. He is exceeding expectations rather nicely and has received a glowing report about his first year in Silcoates Junior School.
Well done Elliot and keep it up next year (and beyond) 🙂
Today was Sports Day for both Sunny Hill and for the years 1 to 3 of the Junior School. Sunny Hill was from 9:30am to 11:30am and the Juniors from 1:30pm to 3:00pm.
Olly was over the moon with the prospect of needing to run soon…
It was absolutely freezing down at the track this morning during the Sunny Holls Sports event, so mummy needed to go home for a wardrobe change before heading back for the afternoon session with the Junior School. Funnily enough, it warmed up for the afternoon 🙂
Check out Elliot after his events….
How pleased does he look with himself?
The Juniors ran some incredible races – there was a girl in the year 3 running race who trounced the rest of her classmates – suspect she will go a long way if she keeps on running – she was finished before the last place girl was half way there and was easily 30 to 40 feet ahead of her nearest competitor.
It is also interesting to see how the year 1 guys were enjoying themselves, the year 2 guys were beginning to get competitive and the year 3 guys were very competitive. Wondering what it will be like post year 3…. Even the parents were getting more and more competitive as the years progressed 🙂
Elliot’s team won their last race of the day – the 4 person relay – Georgia started and got herself into a small lead, Kurtis then helped extend it, Elliot held onto it and Gracie finished the job off nicely 🙂
All the photographs from the day can be found in the photo gallery – to make it easier they are also linked to the bottom of this post.
This weekend, Oliver brought Peanuts home from school. Peanuts is a monkey who loves to hang around with the children of the Foundation Class and go on exciting adventures with them all. This weekend, his adventure was in Ossett with Oliver and we think he had a fun packed weekend.
For starters he went to the Playstation with Oliver after the Swimming Gala on Friday afternoon to play followed by some outdoor action in Oliver’s Big Black Jeep in the garden. On Saturday Oliver’s friends Jessica and Eleanor came to stay so they all played together and then cuddled up to watch a movie (they picked the Polar Express in 3D would you believe…)
On Sunday (after Jessica and Eleanor head home) Peanuts and Oliver went to Ella’s Birthday Party at the Swithens Farm in Rothwell near Leeds.
Tomorrow it is back to school and the fun of the School Sports Day up at the main Silcoates playing fields 🙂
All the photos are attached below: