Oh crap – Olly = sicky boy :-(

We went out for a walk around to the Pediatric Therapy Services open evening around by the Good Samaritan Hospital.  There are lots of things that we can do with the boys during the summer months while school is out.  The challenge is that we already have a laundry list of things that Elly is signed up for, so it is now a case of ensuring that we don’t get involved in too many things etc.

Anyway, we got home, out of the pushchair and boom – poor Olly opened his floodgates and was sick on the garage floor etc.  The poor little mite was so upset.  He has been sick 3 more times since then so has managed to go through 3 sets of clothes.  We will be sleeping on the inflatable bed in his room to minimise the impact if he is sick during the night.

On the positive side, we have confirmation of the holiday house in Maui – we just need to make space on the credit card 🙂 and book the flights and car etc.

Almost booked our Maui vacation… :-)

We did our research on Sunday, contacted Kerrie on Monday (for confirmation) and are in the process of booking the August Maui trip 🙂  We decided to go for the smaller house (only three bedrooms) that has the terrific ocean view rather than no view but bigger house.  Think we will really appreciate this when we get there…..

Just picture the scene, Elliot and Olly in bed from an exhausting day in the pool and / or on the beach, the adults sat outside with a glass or three of vin rouge…… NICE.

Front view of the villa…..

Think this will be OK 🙂 The villa is booked and paid for – just need to sort flights and car rental.

Anyway, it has rained all week thus far, so we are really hoping for some sunshine.  Poor Elly got over the sickness only to find that the other end began to suffer 🙁 The issue is apparently going round the school with precision 🙁

Monday morning update

Monday morning starts off like any other Monday.  A quick prompt to remind Elliot that he has his play group with his friends, Hayden, Derek. Sameer, Miss Debbie and Miss Susan.  Elliot is definitely used to the idea of going to his session at TSSV however  I am still concerned that he is not taking part as much as he could.  I guess Elliots social issues are going to need a lot of attention.  In the meantime his notes from group session pretty much confirm the same as previous weeks:

Elliot: Session 7

  • Cheers: with structure and prompting, participated in activities. Continues to be quiet in group, but more engaged with peers and activities,  Really enjoys physical play
  • Challenge: maintaining group peer play, speaking to peers.

With this in mind we head to PTS for an open evening regarding summer sessions that they have available that might help Elliot.  Unfortunately it doesn’t seem that there are any sessions that will tie in with the TSSV session and the Maui holiday plus we decide that Elliot deserves a break over the summer.  It was a great opportunity none the less for Elliot to be able to show his Daddy where he goes to play on a Friday and for Simon to meet his Therapists.

The week is pretty much uneventful and I am having one of my many “am I imagining that Elliot has problems” until Thursday morning that is.  Whilst playing at home with his hot wheel cars he cuts his finger on the car launcher.  The cut on his is pretty minor it is near his knuckle so a little awkward and bleeds a little as he bends his finger but nothing to dramatic.  Not to Elliot though it is a really big deal and he gets so upset and is crying so hard he is almost screaming.  I pick him up and sit him on my knee and hug him really hard and try to sooth him.  I had a pain reliving spray that I manage to get on his finger in between the screams.  He has nearly calmed down that is until he bends his finger and it starts to bleed a little this really freaks Elliot out and the screams start up again.  I then have an idea we have lots of plasters if you’re American and reading this “Bandaids” ;o) some of which have Buzz Lightyear on.  I suggest to Elliot that Buzz Lightyear will sit on his finger and look after his cut and make it all better.  As Buzz is his hero he thinks this is a good idea, with the plaster in place we manage to get to a slight sob and within 5 minutes he has clamed down.  Phewee that was a 45 minute session over a tiny cut.  OK self doubt gone Elliot definitely needs this assessment so we can reassure ourselves that we are doing the right thing.  With all the upset Elliot has decided he is not going to school because his finger hurts too much.  It just goes to show that certain things really throw him off track.  I decided not to press the situation and told him that it would be a good idea to still go and with a little more encouragement I managed to get him to go at 12.15 as usual.  What a morning…..

Sicky Elliot Jack today :-(

Elly was up being sick at around 2am this morning sadly – not a great start to a Sunday.  This woke Olly, so we had two distressed children in the house for a while.  Poor Elly needed a bath and his bedsheets changing.  Mummy decided to sleep in with Elly on the inflatable bed just in case he needed help later in the night and Daddy won the Olly prize.

So, we have enjoyed a PJ day today since Elly was not really up to being outside, or certainly not this morning.  We had one further sickness episode at 8:30 and he has been fine ever since thankfully.

We are looking to book a Maui holiday in August (when Kerrie comes to visit) so have invested a couple of hours into the research while we have been house bound.  A day can make 300 USD difference just on the flights (so that is $1500 for the five of us – a significant difference).  We are looking for a house to rent that has wonderful views and is close to the beach (walkable in any case) – thank fully there seem to be a lot to chose from and they are not crazy money at the times that we are looking to go either.

We went down to the beach at Santa Cruz yesterday with Rich, Clare, Ben and Alex (Rich is a work colleague from the UK who has come over for three months to help build out the new development center here in Silicon valley for the company Simon works for) and typically it was less than 16 degrees Celsius and windy.  So, Simon managed to avoid sunburn for the first time on a beach visit, BUT obtained a wind burn to his face 😀  As always, the kids loved it although Olly was not allowed to go swimming / paddling this time around – he was not amused – clearly missed his uncle Tim.

The diet and fitness regime needs to start this week – we are definitely feeling a little overweight and under fit right now.  The beer has been removed from the fridge and the chocolate looks to be next on the list to be placed out of harms way…. 🙁

The first OT and SLT session

Today is our first OT and SLT session, at this stage I need to attend with Elliot and just sit and watch and try not to speak or interject.  Those of you who know me well will know that this is pretty hard as I love talking :o)  With Elliot’s best interests at heart I have to curb my desire to talk and ask lots of questions, I force myself to sit quietly.  We arrive early and sign in.  I have been spending the last few days discussing with Elliot that we were going to play with Miss Caroline (OT) in the gym and then Miss Christie (SLT) in her room with her Buzz Lightyear toys.  The therapists have recommend to keep the sessions light and not really make a big deal about the fact he is having therapy.  So instead we just say that we are going to play with the cool toys that they have.  Which is not a lie.  Elliot has his OT session in a gym that has various different types of swings, trampolines, balance boards, climbing walls, ladders, soft blocks and lots of different obstacles to challenge they kids with gross motor issues and lots of toys also to help with fine motor problems.  Anyway here lies a big whoops I hadn’t realised that we would not be seeing Caroline the therapist that did the assessment.  On arriving we find out that we are seeing someone else Miss Joyce.  Usually changes like this can really throw Elliot off.  I have a quick chat with Elliot to reassure him that this was totally fine and that I was sure we would have even more fun than we did with Caroline, fingers crossed.

The OT session starts and Joyce the new therapist introduces her self to Elliot.  Elliot is very reserved and takes a long time to move away from my side.  He speaks very quietly when spoken to and avoids eye contact completely and is really mumbling so much so Joyce really struggles to get anything out of him.  He starts to warm up a little to Joyce but is using mainly one word answers and trying his best to communicate without words.  Joyce does really well to get him to speak to her but still he is very “shy”.  She tries to get Elliot to use his “loud voice” something we have been encouraging him to do to speak a little louder,  with mixed results.  The session continues and Joyce encourages Elliot to do exercises that involve a lot of movement.  One of his favourite exercises were with the flip flop faces and bean bags.  He had lots of coloured cups that he had to throw bean bags into to turn the cups round whilst being pushed on a swing.  By the end of the session he was doing a lot better at responding to Joyce.

Next he heads in to the SLT with Christie, we wait for 5 minutes to be informed by the receptionist that Christie is unlikely to make it.  Elliot gets upset and bursts into tears I guess 2 unexpected events in one morning are a little hard to deal with.  The receptionist tells us that we are welcome to wait and we should be able to get  15 minute session with Christie she just wont be in time for the 30 minute session we had booked.  We decide to wait as Elliot was pretty upset.  Christie turns up and we start the session.  The SLT sessions are a little hard to get used to as we are just sat playing with toys answering questions and generally chit chatting.  I kind of struggle with this a little as I am thinking we are paying a lot of money to sit around chatting.  It soon becomes evident towards the end of the session that the questions re being asked for a reason and that Christie is already highlighting possible issues with Elliot.  When he talks he is blending words together and struggling to get out full sentences.  Things I had not realised until it was pointed out.  As we only have a short session Christie asks me to do a few exercises with Elliot and try to determine if he can pronounce each letter of the alphabet and if he can pronounce the phonetic equivalent.  We don’t think that these are particular issues, we think it is more of the phonetics when letters are blended together.  Christie asks him to do a few tongue exercises and feels that his speach issues maybe related to his tongue muscles not being developed properly this we will discover over the coming sessions.