Feed me, feed me, feed me :-)

Oliver appears to have the same appetite as his big brother – so we have resorted to a supplementary bottle while Vicky’s milk supply becomes enough for the little guy.Β  24 hours after making this decision, Oliver seems to be much better (he was getting a little de-hydrated) and the milk supply is beginning to up in quantity πŸ™‚

We are going to register Oliver’s birth tomorrow and typically Simon has to go into work in the afternoon (not great considering he was there today as well πŸ™ ) Needs must as they say, and once tomorrow’s conference call is dealt with, we should be good for the remainder of the week.

Sleep was not quite as good last night – prob caused by the food issue.Β  Let’s see how tonight goes – one day at a time and all that πŸ™‚ …….

Feed and Sleep

Last night we were almost certain that Oliver was not getting enough milk from Vicky, and Simon got a SMA bottle ready – the threat of this seemed to do the trick – he fed like a good ‘un as soon as Simon got back to the room πŸ™‚Β  Wondering if he just is struggling to suckle the milk out – it is most definitely there…

Anyway, we did OK after the marathon 3 1/2 hour feed that he took from 10 to 1:30am.Β  He slept until 7am πŸ™‚ Nice…..

First few photos of liver are online

We ventured out shopping today, but didn’t actually get out of the car since Elliot fell asleep and so it seemed foolish to awaken him and hence have a little guy with a bad attitude traipsing around the shops πŸ™

Oliver has actually been asleep when most people have come around to see him – and now that all have left, he is wide awake wanting to entertain πŸ™‚ Oh well, WE GET TO SEE HIM AWAKE πŸ™‚ Sod all else πŸ˜‰

We are ALL home :-)

Oliver’s results came back at 3:30pm yesterday and they were ALL CLEAR so he was allowed to come home, and both he and Vicky were discharged immediately.

So, we were home by 7pm and ready to go.

Oliver’s first night at home was not bad – fed at 10pm, then again at 1am, and then tried to feed him @ 5am, but he was 100% uninterested – he just wanted to sleep :-).Β  Finally fed at 6:30 am and then he slept in Simon’s arms while Simon played Mickey Mouse Club House Brio train with Elliot (Oliver kindly bought it as a present for Elliot when he arrived – Elliot loves it!!)

It rained very heavily for about 2 hours last night and unfortunately demonstrated that the odd puddle of water we have found in the conservatory is NOT Elliot as we had considered, but the conservatory leaks.Β  It was actually a constant stream running in last night.Β  We will have to call the people who fitted it and ask them to come and take a look. πŸ™ Not the best timing in the world, it has to be said.

Oliver – the ‘A’ grade student

As Vicky and Oliver need to stay in for 3 days after birth (because Oliver was outside of his amniotic fluid for 49 hours before birth) to receive his antibiotics to ensure that he did not contract any infection, the hospital visiting has begun.

Elliot went to school today in the morning (armed with two photographs to show his friends – one of Oliver and one of himself with Oliver and their mummy), and Simon went in to see Vicky and Oliver.Β  Then, when Elliot had finished school at 1pm, Simon collected him, they went to buy some sandwiches, and went in to see Mummy and little brother.Β  Elliot was really pleased to see his mummy and was actually pleased to see Oliver (he had been a little colder towards Oliver on first meeting yesterday) today.Β  He really didn’t want to leave when Auntie Clare turned up at 2:30pm.

Elliot then went to play at Grandmas for the rest of the afternoon.

Oliver has passed his hearing test and his body wellness test so is already an A student with 100% pass rate πŸ™‚ Let’s see how long the little guy can keep up that sort of average.

Vicky got reasonable sleep over night, but Oliver did keep her from having prolonged periods until 5am, where he slept for 5 hours solid.Β  So, of course what did Vicky do? Woke him up at 10am as she thought it was a good idea to feed him πŸ™‚

Oliver is feeding really well from Vicky, although he is already leaving her with intensely sore nipples πŸ™ Ouch ! He is also crapping out the meconium like it is going out of fashion and is weeing now.Β  Infact, this afternoon we changed his nappy and began to worry that he has been wearing it for over 5 hours and there was nothing inside it.Β  As we worried a little more, his “little tower” raised and he emptied the contents of a small glass onto the bed and Vicky πŸ™‚Β  The bed sheets had ONLY just been replaced since Eliot had covered it in cake bits and crisps – so Simon went in search of a clean bed sheet (still laughing about the incident) to replace it without altering the mid-wives to our mistake of allowing an uncontrolled “little tower” in the open.

We are hoping to come home late tomorrow but it is more likely that we will be welcoming Oliver at home on Saturday instead.