Slept right through in his OWN bed :-)

YAY – Olly has managed his first night sleep in his own bed without the tonsils. He was woken by Max at 8:10am as Max was advising the household of his urgent need for breakfast ๐Ÿ™

We are confident now that we are able to reduce the calpol / ibruprofen in Olly’s system now as he slept well without the drugs in his system AND woke up prepared to eat and drink – he has not done that before today !!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚


Last night daddy went out cycling with Ed and they started up at Ed’s place in Overton and basically went on an exploration trek.

They got into the top end of Coxley woods by the prison and decided to head over towards Bretton. They got into the Bretton country park and then nipped down towards Clayton West and then up towards Emley. As they neared Emley it was beginning to get a little late and a little dark so opted to try to find some paths / bridle ways through the fields to get back to Overton.

Well, it became a bit of a mess as we were clearly on heavily overgrown footpaths that we really shouldn’t have been on but took the view that they were that overgrown that it really didn’t matter too much. The final field had just been ploughed and was super dry – hence there were huge dried up divots and no pathway so pushing the bikes was in order. The farmer was in the field next door in his huge ploughing machine and clearly he caught sight of us, so moved his tractor / machine to the entranceway and just waited. The guy was clearly after an argument / fight as he started out effing and jeffing – brilliant. At least it hag ace us yet another topic of conversation for future meets ๐Ÿ™‚

All in all a good ride out but with the knowledge that there are no bride ways etc over on the Emley hillside. Next time the trek down the side of Coxley woods is required – not allowed inside the woods as there is a large nature reserve in there so pedestrians only.

Upgraded Forkhall datacentre

So Simon made a somewhat silly bid on a 24 port Gb switch (unmanaged) on ebay during the week and amazingly he won it – so, ForkHall now has a better network infrastructure in that there is no longer a Gb switch in the loft space and the patch panels up there are now only operating to re-direct data lines back down to the main datacentre in the garage.

This means nothing to 98% of visitors but it makes Simon happy that the infrastructure is in better shape ๐Ÿ™‚


Another good night and a great start to the day…

Olly had yet another good night. ย OK so he was up a handful of times and he slept from 11pm in mummy and daddy’s bed, but he slept right through until 8:30am from about 7:30 pm and has woken up in a pretty good mood ๐Ÿ™‚

We have managed to get the calpol etc in so he is “right as rain” until it begins to drain from him. ย We have not looked inside his mouth today but last night things were looking considerably better that the previous night so we are confident that things are generally heading in the right direction – despite his red attitude ๐Ÿ™