Jingle Balls

On Monday of this week, Hugo had an early appointment at Palmer and Duncan’s for a small de-balling operation – we also elected to have his rear dew claws removed at the same time since he would be anaesthetised, it made sense for the two jobs to be done together. His claws have been I growing on both legs and he hates having the clippers used to cut them back. We thought that would be a quick and relatively easy job…. sadly, we all know what thought did….

Anyway, we are now almost one week later and he has been back for rebandaging of his legs (his plums are healing beautifully and in honesty we think he hasn’t yet noticed the missing spuds due to his leg bandages) twice now. It seems that the cost for a single bandage on a leg is approximately £25 and Hugo really doesn’t like it – whatever paste they pop onto the bandage to help with the healing process (we assume) causes the little monkey a reasonable amount of pain for a few minutes. He can remove said bandage in under 3 minutes so we have had to keep an eye on him all week long – the nights are particularly painful as we need to sleep but listen out for that all too obvious licking noise that preempts bandage removal.

He has another appointment on Boxing Day so we are hopeful that this does not incur double charges – prob should have checked that when accepting said booking…

Anyway, Merry Christmas from Los, we hope the fat fella brings all that you wished for and that fun is had by all 🎉💃🕺🍾

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