Dog chews

Simon came home knowing that there was a problem with the weather forecasting Raspberry Pi in the office so this morning when we got back from dropping Penny off for her new headrests, he reset the little Pi. 

Not long after he noticed that while wifi was indeed operational in the office, there was actually no internet connection. So, he set about checking to see if the network cables in the office were OK and if the access point was experiencing an issue. Then back to the main house to see if there was a problem there. All seemed OK so the concern became whether a small animal had chewed through the cab,e en-route to the office in the garden – a quick visual inspection suggested that this was probably not the case.

OK! So maybe the cable end needed recrimping in the shoe closet where perhaps one of the kids had thrown their shoes in and inadvertently caused the cable to not quite be in great shape.

Soon after, the surveyor from John Lewis arrived Adams Simon opened the kitchen door to let the chap in, it became super obvious what had happened – there were black cables sticking out from the house wall – yes, in case you have not got up to speed, the DAMNED dog has chewed the bloody wires on their way into the house…. GGGGRRRRRRRR

He is closing in on being evicted – the amazing of damage the little sod is creating at the moment is far too significant….

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