Elliot’s first big boy class at Martial Arts

Tonight was Elliot’s first Martial Arts raining class with the big boys and girls and the funny thing is that he fits right in – he is about average height 🙂

This class is for 6 to 12 year olds and tonight there were 22 kids in there with 6 or so girls in the mix – and they were all very very good 🙂

The class lasts for 45 minutes (opposed to 30 for the little dragons) and the last 5 minutes tonight was a game of dodgeball – kids vs. teachers.

Daddy was really impressed with the way in which they train at this level – split up into five stages and all the kids into five groups – 5 or so minutes per stage.

Elliot seemed to enjoy himself and came out laughing etc.

now we just had to figure out which days he will go along – I.e. can go Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at 6pm and / or Saturday morning at 10am. Choices, choices…..

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