The night before the big event….

…. so Olly’s tonsils are coming out in the morning – I think we are as ready as we ever will be 🙁

Hopefully we will be of the first on the list and hence he will be of the first to be able to head home with us…

We need to be at the hospital for 8am, with the operation being sometime before lunch, with an 8 hour rest period after he comes around, during which he must eat etc etc before they will let us take him home again. Elly is booked in to Grandma’s so he is all set.

Olly has Tilly (his new cat that is coming to keep him company – Auntie Clare brought her round for him yesterday) and we will be taking a few books and toys for him to play with in the long afternoon.

Mummy and Daddy are armed with books and a picnic to while the hours away….

See you all on the other side….

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