Parents Evening at school

For BOTH boys as well – our FIRST ever parents evening.

Obviously we had no idea what to expect although we did need to understand why we received a letter with Oliver’s bag a week or so ago advising us that he was due to move up to the next room and thus be a part of the nursery rather than pre-nursery. sadly we did wonder if it was purely a numbers game given the school’s looming closure. When we sat down with Laura, it was obvious that this question did not need to be asked – while WE know Oliver a smart boy, it seems that he has blitzed the list of things for his age group and is already working on the next group up. Not bad given he is only there for two days a week :-).

Then onto Elliot – he received a glowing report from Mrs Forge as we chatted for about 20 minutes about his progress within the school. basically everything is improving at good rates including interaction with the other children – although this is not improving as rapidly as the other areas. It seems (as we already knew) that confidence is the key to Elliot – he needs giving confidence all the way along and he thrives from it – seemingly needing acknowledgement along all sorts of activities each day keeps him motivated to get on. The teachers are working on him understanding that he does not always need that acknowledgement in order to progress with certain tasks, and through the group play activities he is coming out of his shell slowly more and more as each week passes. It seems that many of his fellow pupils see Elliot is the tall boy who does not speak, yet others challenge that thought by simply stating that you just need t talk to Elliot about a subject that he likes – such as LEGO or Pirates of the Caribbean. The point here is that while many of the children have perhaps given up trying to speak with / play with Elliot, many have not and enjoy time with him – all we can ask for.

So, the overall picture? We have two well proportioned (well excepting their size 🙂 ) little boys who are progressing well in school and are striving to learn more along their unique journeys.

So, our first parents evening at school seems to be a complete success and our boys are in great shape for the next stages in their education and life 🙂

Happy Days…

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