Day 6 – end of play photos…

So we now have NO sinks or taps in the downstairs of the house 🙁 The ground floor ‘dunny’ has been removed along with everything else in that room bar the flooring (to go tomorrow) and the light fitting…

The house bathroom is now fully tiled on both the walls and the floor – just awaiting grouting and the upper units along with the actual toilet seat itself.  The floor looks very bling (although the photo’s just don’t show this) and should be fab when it is all done.

The kitchen has been getting some of the finishing pieces applied today so it does not appear to have had a whole lot of stuff done, but it is really beginning to ‘sparkle’ 🙂  See photos…  We have decided that we will need to change the lighting in the kitchen once the units etc are completed – more fun then….


Day 6 - Kitchen #1

Day 6 - Kitchen #2

The Utility:

Day 6 - Utility

House Bathroom:

Day 6 - House Bathroom #1

Day 6 - House Bathroom #2

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