Yorkshire Wildlife Park

It’s a Sunday, it is scheduled to be one of the last days of summer so we decided to make the most of it and go out for the day. Destination……. Yorkshire Wildlife Park.

We had never been before and quite a few people have commented on it being a good place to visit. We arrived just before lunch with beautiful blue skies and hot sunshine – 20+ degrees Celcius – wow.

Sadly, poor Olly tripped up on the short walk into the park and once he noticed (took him about 8 minutes) that he had scraped his right elbow and that it was bleeding a little, he went into a blind panic and would not stop crying for over 45minutes. It was as if he was suffering from shock in that he was shivering as well as crying etc 🙁

Once he got over it and ate his lunch, we got out there and enjoyed the park. It is a MUCH bigger place than we had anticipated and is very well laid out with lots to see and do. There are two indoor play areas, one that is really just slides for the kids and the other is like a typical indoor play area with an African jungle theme. One outdoor woodland play area that is great fun for climbing on etc too.

It was not a cheap day out (£50 for all of us) but we felt it was worth every penny once we managed Oliver into enjoying himself post fall 🙂

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