Poorly household day 2…

A particularly bad start to the day today – while daddy was taking Elliot to school, Olly decided to self medicate some calpol and ibruprofen 🙁 Somehow he managed to get the child proof lids off both bottles, and when mummy went upstairs to see if he was awake yet, he was found in his room trying to clean himself up…..  So mummy went into our bedroom (where the three of us had slept) to find calpol and ibruprofen all of the bedsheets, pillowcases and towels (placed on the floor in case of night time sickness – to protect the carpet).  Clearly Olly had decided that he needed medication and had got into BOTH bottles…. 🙁

Vicky knew that at the most there was 20ml of each in their respective bottles, but that this was 4 times the allowed single dose of EITHER – and they had to be staggered.  Hence this one could be bad news.  The saving grace being that there was a LOT of it on the bed etc.  So, Vicky rang NHS direct to get advice, rather than us panicing and heading straight to A&E !!!

It turns out that even if he had taken all 40ml, he would not have a massive issue, just that he would likely have a stomach ache and get either the runs, vomiting or both.

As the day has turned out, neither happened causing us to believe that he was probably unsuccessful in getting ANY of the drugs in the first pace 🙂  The very fact that he has been pretty hot for most of the afternoon also backs up this theory – however safety is WAY better than being sorry after the event.

Pepsi is likewise not doing as well as we would have liked in that he whined most of the night (Vicky sat with him for over an hour during the night) and most of today.  He was taken to the vet for a quick check up at 10am, and they basically said that the painkillers that he was on was basically putting him into a bit of a trance so he probably did not really know where he was, and hence the whining.  Poor Pepsi.

He is back at the vets in the morning again for a check up to see how he is settling from the painkillers.  He definitely seems to be walking better today, but he does not want to eat or drink.  We have had to persuade him with chicken, sausages and cake in order to eat.  Most unusual for our Pepsi – he is usually not picky at all about what he eats !!  The vet today ensured that we heard that he is getting close to the last stages in his time with us, so we are thinking that one through – clearly we don’t wish to prolong his pain etc, but if there is something that we can do to give him extra time without the pain, then…

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