We decided to head out to Tampa today, destination Busch Gardens.
We had breakfast on the way and were in the park by 10:30 and theirs were ready for playing in the hot room by about 11:30 🙁
The weather was nice but not ridiculously hot – 90 degrees when we left at 15:45 but still plenty of cloud cover to keep the sunburn at bay…
Oliver fell asleep sitting next to Grandma with his hands n his ears on the train ride – apparently it was too noisy for him and hence the hands on ears – however not too noisy to fall asleep :-). Then a little later on he was talking about when he had a train ride last night 🙂 Think about it – pretty funny…
After lunch Elliot was adamant that he wanted a ride on the serpent (or similar named) roller coaster that was just outside the lunch place – we thought about it and went on with him – it actually went upside down and he was good with this – however when it rocked around left to right as it slowed down etc, he was less happy about it – it might just be that he avoids roller coasters for a while from now on…
we all played in the Sesame Street section which was for the smaller kids – ie adventure play park and the like. Olly really did not want to leave this section.
When it came to leaving the park, neither of them were prepared to walk – they both claimed a need to go back to the hotel to sleep :-(.
So, as we plan ahead for our time with the Folks, we realise that there is no way that we will do a single full day in Disney, let alone 5 of them consecutively…
The final thing for the day is that Vicky and I nipped down to Downtown Disney to get the park tickets and to ask about the Pirates League thing for Elly – a session where he gets made up in costume and makeup as a pirate – seems that we should have booked it 2 months in advance so we are somewhat worried about whether we will actually be able to get one scheduled for this week :-(. Please cross your fingers for us… 🙂