So, a new week commences, more ice found on cars and more household upgrades are taking place. Also, daddy turned the heating from always on (as we set it for when Becca and Matt stayed over the weekend watching the dogs for us) to OFF (dummy thought he had switched it over to time controlled – NOPE – just OFF 🙁 ) so it was slightly colder in the house this morning – BUT not freezing as we might have expected given it was -% Celsius overnight…
The ice on the windscreen on bobby this morning took the better side of 10 minute to be cleared, before daddy could get to the gym. 🙁 Then, when he did get to the gym, it seems that the few days off have really set daddy back somewhat 🙁 Just goes to prove that you really do have to stay on your game in the fitness place…
We have been to order a new bed this morning and are heading out to look at carpets tomorrow – hopefully we can get the two in place by mid next week which then gives us a few days to sort the decorating…
Now, onto Crash Mode…. After collecting Tim from his hotel on Sunday morning, we noted that the interior lights were on in the car and we could not extinguish them – we then also noticed that the dashboard was not displaying the speed as per normal, but instead was listing something called Crash Mode and that we should refer to the owners manual. SO Tim began looking in the manual but was unable to find the words Crash Mode – possibly due to the high levels of alcohol no doubt still affecting his eyes 🙂 Anyway, we pulled over and chose to reboot the engine – thankfully, not only did the engine start up second time around, but it also cleared the Crash Mode from the system. Astons definitely don’t have the most robust computer and electrical systems in the world – good job they look like they do and roar like they do 🙂
The safe was fitted this morning and already has the watches safely stored inside along with the spare keys for the cars (well, ALL of Tina’s keys are in there 🙂 ). Finger print scanner and 6 digit passcode protection is the name of the game – the unit itself has been secured to the floor by bolt AND some mega epoxy – as the guy said, this safe is not coming out of this house without a fight 🙂