On Saturday, Elliot had a birthday party at Liam’s house and it was a DC Comic party – so Elliot needed to go as a super hero. He had chosen to go as Buzz Lightyear, his favourite superhero, but due to his reading a book with mummy, he decided late in the week that Batman would be a far better option. So, Saturday morning out we head in search of the elusive outfit – it also needed to have “muscles” in it….
We tried various stores from Party City to a specialist costume hire store called Natasha’s on Bascom, and the last one we found actually had the dark knight available in a size just a little too big – no drama, it could be made to fit – happy days… Except it seemed that Elliot had his heart set on a blue batman outfit – not the all black dark knight setup that we could find. I guess he was after the Adam West style (the comic would most likely have been this blue version) outfit – the only one we could find was in Party City, did not have muscles and was for an 8 to 10 year old.
So we managed to persuade Elliot that the superman outfit that they did have in the store might just be better. Incredibly (certainly we thought so) Elliot was up for the costume change and was reasonably happy to go as Superman – as it happens he was one of the main attractions at the party so was absolutely in his element 🙂 He had a great time and played well with all at the party – great result 🙂
Sunday was fathers day so we head out to the beach in Santa Cruz for the day with the Somerfields. It was 28 Celsius as we left Los Gatos area at 11am, and when we got to Santa Cruz it was cloudy and 15 Celsius 🙁 We decided to stick it out, and thankfully within an hour or so, the clouds had disappeared and the temperature felt just perfect. We had a small BBQ on the beach, the kids dug holes and played in the water for over four hours. Oliver was asleep in the car before we even got out of Santa Cruz…..
He definitely looked pretty grumpy and boy was he when he awoke in the Trader Joe’s car park as we were getting in some provisions for tea etc.
Amusingly it was still only 16 Celsius as we got in the car at the beach, and less than 6 miles inland it was over 30 Celsius !!!!
This week it is expected to get hotter and hotter for a couple of days, and then chill back down to beneath 30 Celsius towards the end of the week. As a note, today it touched 37 Celsius at just after 4pm local time !!!!
Next weekend we are heading out to 6 Flags Adventure Park near Sacramento on Saturday to celebrate Ben Somerfield’s 4th birthday and on Sunday we are heading to the Cars2 movie premier in Campbell – both boys are REALLY looking forward it – maybe daddy a little as well 😉
This week has seen the heat go UP here in the bay area – 95 degrees at home on Wednesday, and a mere 85 yesterday.
We had a busy weekend last week end with mummy finishing up with the clean up at school while Daddy and the boys went out to the park etc. Then Sunday, was the Silicon Valley Duck race:
And here is the moment that 15,000 ducks were released into the water in the park in Vasona:
Poor Olly fell and bumped his head – actually caused him to cut the back of his head – basically the sun hat has a toggle on it – he landed on the toggle 🙁
An ice-cream soon enabled him to forget about the issue 🙂
A busy week this week, with a new bike acquisition for Oliver – he is very pleased with both it and himself. Hopefully we can get out and practise riding it this weekend.