Vicky has only had the iPhone for 1 WEEK – Simon has had the bottom lip out the whole time and today, we went to acquire him one – may stop the whinging 🙂 Of course it HAD to be the 32Gb 3gs – nothing else was good enough …
Out of jest however, what a cool device – they really are very good at dealing with internet based stuff – i.e. mobile web is really good, the ability to download straight from the iTunes Store is really very cool, and the integration is awesome. Then there is the ability to actually see the SKY TV listings and set the HD box in the house to record stuff from out and about – simply mind blowing stuff !! Enough I hear you cry Simon, you have already said you have bought one, don’t need the selling pitch anymore…
One last point 🙂 – what is very cool is that Simon and Vicky can now share a calendar which means there is no more excusing one of us (Simon again !!) claiming to not know about an upcoming event – it is all there for both to see quickly and easily.
The rain just keep coming – really heavy showers so we are definitely pleased that the conservatory is fixed properly.