We had a great run of really hot weather this last week or so. Today is the first day of sub 20 degree heat and the first day of real clouds in the sky since last Friday – almost a whole week of Floridian weather (OK so not quite, but almost 🙂 )
The network in ForkHall failed today for a few hours – it just had to be at a time when Elliot wanted to watch Bolt on the PS3 – he seems unconcerned with the fact that things would not work – it was seemingly completely unacceptable that he could not watch the movies when HE wanted to. The fact that he has already watched it once today was also not the point, apparently.
Anyway, the fault was finally traced down to a overheated network switch in the conservatory, and as soon as something communicated to it, it somehow managed to prevent all other network devices in the network from communicating with *anything* at all.
Vicky believes that Oliver smiled at her today – but as she told Simon when he thought something similar at the weekend, “it will be wind”. Strangely Simon’s suggestion is hugely ridiculous because he “definitely smiled”. Women !!