4D scan yesterday morning – does anybody recognise anything from this? Oliver is going to look an awful lot like his big brother. I guess we shouldn’t be so surprised – although Leroy apparently looks nothing like Simon, so the nose is the giveaway 🙂 Simon, we are alright again this time 🙂
OK, so he might have a replica of daddies’ nose 🙁 and a double chin as well 🙂
At about the same stage in age, he is on the 95th centile – Elliot was on the 78th !!! Oh my, he is going to be a big lad !!! His head and tummy is bigger than Elliot’s was, but his legs aren’t as long. The guy has written very large foetus on the notes !! Apparently we are heading for 91/2 lbs birth weight again – Oliver is already 3.26lb’s (1.47kg) now 🙂
He slept through the entire scan but was lying in the perfect place for us to get some really good insight into the little guy.
The second picture is Elliot’s scan from Summer 2006.
Oh, and the saga of Simon’s car just goes on…. They have now fitted the door mirror only to find that they cannot reprogram the electronics – apparently removing the door card meant that they had to disconnect the airbags. No great shakes, BUT apparently the electronics will not reset. So we had a discussion / disagreement with regards to who caused it – the garage tried to suggest that the issue was caused when the door mirror was knocked off – surprisingly Simon didn’t buy this (Vicky even less so – sometimes is handy to have somebody twittering in your ear when trying to sort these sorts of things out) and suggested that it was more likely that the problem was created when disconnecting something that was actually connected to the fault y part !!! i.e. the engineer removing the airbags from the system. We rather rapidly came to the agreement that we would share the cost of the new part – just under £500 fitted !!! Anyway, now they have fitted it, and have spent the best [art of a day and a half and have STILL failed to reprogram the car. So, Simon has demanded a courtesy car to get him to work on Monday and we will see what happens on Monday with the engineers on the car…..