Olly managed more than 10 hops today in Martial Arts….

Sir made a big fuss of Olly and his hopping today, and made him demo sage to the rest of the class how to hop across the room before jumping for a high 10. Before today, he has managed just four concurrent hops at any one time – today he made 13 or 14 and almost made it all the way across the room :-). We were all made up – mahoosive ice achievement for the little guy 🙂

Elliot was also on good form with exceptionally high front kicks – in fact two of e instructors were joking about ‘go go gadget legs’ 🙂 Elliot didn’t get what it meant, but mummy and daddy certainly did :-). Elliot can front kick to the height of his own head already…. Daddy is slightly worried that soon Elliot will be able to kick up to daddy’s head level…..

Earlier in the day we took a ride over to Widnes with Grandma and Grandad to see a new caravan that they have been researching – a new manufacturer called Eterniti with their unique selling point in the UK of the slide out side – www.eterniti-caravans.com. Unique and impressive stuff they have going on over there in Widnes.

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