
The sun has come out and the biys are wanting to spent more time in the garden.

So, daddy has had to mow the lawn and then begin the process of smartening the place up a bit – particularly since we are hoping to have a garden party / BBQ for a joint Olly / Daddy birthday on Bank Holiday Monday.

So, daddy has been out last night beginning the task of dragging the ivy out of the fencing in preparation to paint it – about time really as the fence has only been there 10 years (this June) and it has not been painted thus far.

The grass was “feed and weed”ed last night and the dogs are doubtlessly sunbathing and fouling the freshly mowed lawn.

Next up will be the hedges to get a trim with the new petrol powered hedge trimmer that daddy bought a few weeks ago in Costco and then hopefully we are set for a glorious summer.

This year we are going to be better on top of the grass quality and condition in the hope that next year we will begin to feel proud of the garden a bit more 🙂

Then of course there’s the front garden – oh my we have our hands full there….

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