As advertised yesterday, it rained and it rained HARD. There was no way that the children would be getting outside for the races. So, the events were all held in the school gym, with coffee and scones etc in the school dinner hall. There were also lots of small games and a to bola in the dining hall as well.
Form two performed a really good maypole dance (seemed slightly strange to be doing this in June) to initiate proceedings. Then the various classes ran their races etc.
Reception had a running race and a egg and spoon race (but with a swing ball racquet / bat and bean bag) where Elliot was in a great place for a win with the egg and spoon race – sadly Taran-Veer dropped his racquet in front of Elly, causing Elly to have a significant fail :-(.
Olly did not want to join his nursery class mates today so he just sat out and watched the events unfold.
We have a big weekend ahead of us with Ben’s birthday party tomorrow in the Warrington area, then Grandma Cuckoo’s overnight (the kids). We (mummy and daddy) have a 21st birthday party on Saturday night, followed by an Aston Martin Owners Club meeting on Sunday for lunch and then a 5th birthday party on Sunday afternoon.