Back to normality then…

Well only for 36 hours – as we are heading off for a couple of nights to Napa – YAY !

The boys did really well on the flight back to San Jose (we didn’t manage to get upgraded seats – there were only three and Vicky even declined the offer for her and Kerrie to take two of them) but then did not want to go to bed when we got home (at circa midnight).

We have just 5 weeks to go before it is all over with the business and we can take a week vacation prior to heading back to the UK in early October – Vicky has all but sold all of the stuff that we don’t want / need to take back to the UK, so we need to consider shipping the clothes and other stuff (that is going to go back) sooner rather than later – hence the bikes etc could be back there shortly after us if possible so that we can get cycling soon after arriving back in the UK – Simon will have some time on his hands so he may as well get fit and lose some of the lard 🙂  We think that once Kerrie has head home (on Thursday next week) we will transform Oliver’s old room into a sort of transfer room where we can begin to plan out what is going back and how it is getting there 🙂 i.e. if we can get stuff on it’s way within the next 2 weeks, then it will be in the UK well in advance of Christmas rather than well after Christmas 🙂


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