First few days of looking after Greenlea are out of the way – man – what a big job it is. We have found it VERY cold on the nights in the new bedroom out back – then Simon noticed that the boiler in the poolhouse had overheated – we fixed it using Greg’s mega instruction manual and we are off – the bedroom was nice and warm last night so we are back online.
5 days in a house with its own pool and gymnasium and we have used NONE of it – just been manically busy…….
Elliot is trying loads of new foods (sweet potato, carrot, pears, apples, bananas) and seems to be really enjoying them – we are slightly concerned with one of the banana breakfasts and so will be not giving him it for a day or two to see if things get better.
Sleep is not great at the minute as he only slept for 30 minutes continuous last night although he is struggling big time with his teeth.
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories was purchased by Vicky for Simon last week – perhaps she is regretting it as a mistake 🙂
More updates as and when time permits.