We have 3 drivers in the household….

At approximately 16:20 today Elliot passed his driving test……..

At approximately 18:10 today Simon shat himself as the cost of insurance has gone up approximately 45% since we bought the car…….

So, we are no longer able to insure the car without a black (telemetry) box and certainly not at the eye watering price of £2,000. That’s right it is now approximately £3,000….

So starting tomorrow, we have a third driver in the household and a little box in a few days time to check that we are not going to drive more than 700 miles a month and that we won’t be taking corners hard or pumping the brakes etc


a tough day for all the Rust boys today….

BOTH Elliot and Oliver have been awarded their first pair of spectacles following a light weakening in their left eyes… They are both for very occasional use – such as back of classroom type stuff. Elliot’s will prove useful in night driving scenarios

Then, Simon has reached the point where multi focal lenses are the recommendation 🙁

oh well, at least we will all be able to see better….

Chimney has been swept…

… so we are ready for wood burning action….

typically it is a little warmer this evening so will probs be waiting until next week to go for our first burn of the autumn ☺️

Elliot and Simon chopped the logs from last spring and have placed them around the back of the garage to dry – they might be usable next winter.

We will have the remains of the large tree in the back garden that died last year to chop soon enough – once we have found a tree surgeon to carefully take it down for us. It will likely provide a couple of years of heat once it down and chopped accordingly – big job ahead of us however….