So, while Simon has been searching for work, he has found an activity that he can spend more cash on – car detailing. He won’t bore you to death with the details but suffice to say that Tina now has the cleanest and silkiest paintwork that she probably has done ever, and the amount of gear that is piling up in the garage is pretty significant. Today, he has been cleaning up her exhaust tips while Olly played in the garden with bubble mixture and Elly and mummy were away on a school trip – to Hesketh Farm Park in Skipton.
We are sat awaiting their return so no doubt there will be lots to learn about their day very soon 🙂
Also, the tumble drier broke on Monday so we are awaiting the delivery of the replacement – the delivery company said they would deliver between 14:50 and 16:20 today, and it is now 16:10….. 10 minutes guys….
*UPDATE* Just received a call (16:15) from the delivery driver – they have had a breakdown and are on their way BUT are about 50 minutes away due to the breakdown – not bad service to give us a call and let us know – good on them 🙂