We went out for a walk around to the Pediatric Therapy Services open evening around by the Good Samaritan Hospital. There are lots of things that we can do with the boys during the summer months while school is out. The challenge is that we already have a laundry list of things that Elly is signed up for, so it is now a case of ensuring that we don’t get involved in too many things etc.
Anyway, we got home, out of the pushchair and boom – poor Olly opened his floodgates and was sick on the garage floor etc. The poor little mite was so upset. He has been sick 3 more times since then so has managed to go through 3 sets of clothes. We will be sleeping on the inflatable bed in his room to minimise the impact if he is sick during the night.
On the positive side, we have confirmation of the holiday house in Maui – we just need to make space on the credit card 🙂 and book the flights and car etc.