We bought Vicky a new bike at the weekend – one that has 7 gears and handlebar brakes – hopefully this will help us get out more.
We went out on Sunday evening and then again tonight so we have started out in the right direction we think 🙂 Incredible that mid January we can go out with shorts and a t-shirt after work on bikes !! Let’s hope this nice weather stays with us for a while longer.
Simon gave up on the search for glasses last weekend when he found that not only will the US folks not supply the super thin lenses – some crap about Health and Safety – the lady in the Optician suggested that the thinner lenses could break and cause facial damage – Simon’s reaction was typical Simon – bollocks, they are plastic and will not break. On top of this there were other issues that highlighted a lack of confidence in their ability to build a set of glasses that would actually function to Simon’s UK prescription. So we have sent an email to the UK optician with the hope that they can setup the required glasses and then we can figure out a means to ship them to us out here.
We are in the middle of deciding whether we should look for an alternative accommodation out here, so have started a little search. We are going to look at a property on Monday that is walking distance from Elliot’s school, has four bedrooms, is 40% more spacious than what we have today AND has a pool and hot tub in the back garden – yay ! It is just $700 per month more expensive – we are seriously considering this additional expense – will help with guests and will be MUCH better for the kids to be able to play outside in a garden.