It has been on and off all day, but at times the snow fall has been as thick as either of us can remember it ever having been before 🙂 Simon loves it, Vicky hates it. Simple as that.
Andy came round to wash the cars, and at that time it wasn’t snowing so we thought, yea, why not – following the wash, we found that the 5 series would not drive back into the garage because the water had of course frozen…. DSC off, and with 3,000 rpm, the car was in and dry 🙂
The chances are the 7 series doors will have frozen shut – will find out tomorrow as Simon has an optician appointment in Halifax.
David and Julie came round with Abbie for an hour or two over lunch, so David and Simon went out to find one of those plastic containers that the council leave out with salt in it. So, we now have a bucket full of salt ready for use as and when we need it.
We walked down to Clare and Franks for tea tonight, and enjoyed the walk – there were an amazing number of people demonstrating very poor snow driving skills – as well as some fools who were hooning around – they will most likely end up with bend panels in their cars and vans before the snow is gone.
We have collected two passport applications, one for Simon’s renewal and the other for Olly – just need to get some photos done and to have somebody countersign Olly’s……