The rain just seems to keep falling – when will we see the summer time ??
Typical British – whining about the weather 🙂
Oliver is teething we think – he has started to chew on his fist and has a wonderful state of diahorrea 🙁 He is definitely going through a growth spurt as he is loosing his barrel belly and is definitely continuing to put weight on. On Tuesday he had put 2lbs on (since the last weighing in 2 weeks ago) (13lbs 9oz (6.14 kilos) total) and is on the way back to the growth chart that he was on at birth (he was on the 75th centile, and is now back up to the 50th). So his 2 to 3 weeks of illness during the pyloric stenosis time seems to be well and truly behind him 🙂
There is confirmed Swine Flu at the nursery apparently so Elliot did not go in today.