The midwife requested that we took Oliver in to see a paediatrician just to be safe – since he has only gained 10g since the last midwife check. So, we were in Pinderfields shortly after 13:30 on Sunday – we waited until 16:30 before we actually got to see the doctor (pretty frustrating really) but they decided all looked OK, but that they would take a blood sample and do some checks against it – to ensure Oliver’s sodium levels were OK. So, we were then allowed to leave and that the results would be back in an hour or two, and that somebody would call us.
We ended up calling back at 17:00 today (so 24 hours later) so see what the status was – seems that we had been forgotten about and now we have to go back tomorrow (or Vicky and Oliver do) and go through the whole ordeal again. Great. The efficiency of the NHS never seems to surprise us.
On other matters Simon has dragged most of the ivy off the fence in the back garden and has managed to (shock) NOT damage himself in the process. He usual receives some form of gardening injuries whenever he is doing anything of value in the garden 🙂