Apologies to all ForkHall.com visitors – we have been offline for 5 days this week – the internet connection as supplied by our friends at BT vanished at just before 11pm on Tuesday 25th to be restored on Saturday night at about the same time of the day.
As per the previous fights with the ISP, Simon found himself sending 8 emails and making a phone call or two to the support team who seemed more bothered about asking what sort of Router we have rather than fixing the damn problem….
Anyway, Simon seemed to get through to them that they already have the router information (since it is the first two questions they ask EVERY time we call them, and that the fault was that there was no connection for the router to connect to…..
Any way, long story and boring to most folks….
We have been conservatory shopping this weekend and flooring shopping – the flooring for the lounge and the downstairs hallways. The conservatory to put on the back of the house to be a sitting room that’s main purpose is for Eliot to play in. We would very much like to get the lounge back for ourselves and to not have all of the toys etc lying around.
The first company are coming to see us at the end of next week so time will tell…….