Picture the scene:
Greg, Richard and Albert (the May team – Home team)
Frank, Rusty, Darren and Curtis (the others – Away Team)
At the pool table, it’s Richards turn….. he grabs a cue, lowers himself to the table ready to have a crack…… a slight look of confusion crosses his face, then came the question – “what colour are we?”ย Without a second thought Darren buzzed in with the answer – “GINGER” he offered – that was it, the tears were streaming down Rusty’s face, Darren was similarly uncontrollable (when he realised what he had said) and Frank, well Frank thought best not laugh in front of everyone – what a saint ๐ – the rest of the evening turned into a mickey taking, little boys sniggering in the corner type event.
I think we all had a great laugh on the night and enjoyed it thoroughly – it certainly started with a bang.
On other matters, we got the 7 back from the dealership today – BMW have kindly offered to pay for the wing mirror corrosion issue in full, the wipers are now functional (again at BMW’s expense) and the software has been updated in the centre console to hopefully prevent it returning into the German language on occasions (as it has done on a couple of occasions prior to the visit to Sandal).ย Strangely the dealership wanting paying for this piece of work, something that Simon was not up for – it seems that they have kindly offered to pay for this also ๐ย GOOD to have the big fella back – the garage was feeling strangely empty without it sitting in full glory.ย Anyway, it goes back in on Thursday next week for the wing mirror work, and we will also invest in the new DVD for the Navigation system to update the maps and the postcode searching facility etc.