The snow fell heavily on Friday night – Simon woke on Saturday at 9am looking forward to playing with the boys in the snow – to find………
…… it had ALL gone – there were 2 to 3 inches on the ground and it was still snowing when we went to bed 🙁
Elliot decided on Saturday that he does not particularly like his BMW car seat – much to the amusement of Simon and Vicky – NOT !!!! The new plan seems to be to borrow Vicky’s mum’s seat until he is a bit bigger and fits his own seat better – let’s just hope that we haven’t wasted all that cash – Simon will be in for fun if it has been wasted…..
At least the sun has been shining today, so the boys have had a half decent walk and are thankful for it – poor Pepsi was beginning to think he wouldn’t be getting the chance to lick the pavement again.
We have Wednesday thru Friday off on holiday next week, so we need to figure out pretty quickly if we are going to do anything remotely special or just laze about Fork Hall.
Bath night again tonight……..